Daily I answer questions from women about fallacies regarding aspects of the female body/anatomy. I frequently hear the same questions but every now and then, I get questions that are more obscure. Three common body parts I get questions about are: breasts, vaginas, and ovaries.
Breasts are such a visible part of the female anatomy–they come in all shapes and sizes and have various densities. I strongly encourage each of us to teach our young blossoms, especially as they start to form mature breasts, to self-examine them so they can become comfortable with their normal breast composition.
I frequently get questions about the vagina that I am able to explain simply by reviewing the vaginal anatomy. One point I like to stress to all women is that vaginas come in all different shapes -they should not and do not look the same. Thus, let us instill this with our young blossoms as well, so they do not spend time comparing theirs with idealized images shown in magazines and think they are lacking something.
Overall, the most common questions I answer daily have to do with hormones. All human beings have a multitude of them that help us function daily. Women especially have a set of hormones which govern us in a cyclic pattern each month after we go through puberty. That being said, there are other things that could be the cause of some of the physical or emotional changes we sometimes attribute to “hormones!” A healthy diet, exercising, and increasing activities which give pleasure but decrease stress can help to improve our conditions rather than “fixing our hormones”.